The app that you use depends on your hardware. In order to control fan speed, you have to download a third-party app. Remember that if your PC or laptop overheats, you might permanently damage hardware to the point where it has to be replaced. If you want to control the fan speed on Windows 10, you have to do so at your own risk. It’s a delicate balance that has to be maintained between keeping a system cool but not overloading it. If you have fans running constantly, your PC is consuming more energy than it needs to and that will likely heat up the adapter.
This is because most users will not be able to judge how hot their system is, and when it’s time to run fans slower or faster. The temperature sensors, and the limits set for them, as well as the various fan speeds, are not accessible by users. If your PC continues to run system heavy tasks, the fans will also run to stabilize the temperature. The chassis of your laptop or your PC are designed so that air will flow out which is why it is very important you never block the vents. They have sensors built-in that periodically monitor the temperature of your system, and when it reaches a certain threshold, they start to spin to cool it down. The fans know when to start running faster, and when to slow down.